
The World Within Data



我在非洲支教的日子 在非洲看到一间小学,在征求当地校长同意后,我们给7年级的学生讲述中国故事,非洲的小朋友热爱中文

IARC Perspective on Oral Cancer Prevention


Oral cancer From September through December 2021, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) convened a working group of 25 scientists (all of whom are coauthors of this article) from 14 countries to evaluate the body of evidence on primary and secondary prevention of oral cancer. Oral cancer Liver cancer Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fourth most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Risk factors for HCC include chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C, alcohol addiction, metabolic liver disease (particularly nonalcoholic fatty liver disease) and exposure to dietary toxins such as aflatoxins and aristolochic acid.


换一个地方从新开始 But in order to wait me a moment, wait for my long narrow flag to wake up to reality like that, wait for my make a clear distinction between right and wrong, wait for me to persuade me, wait for me to climb a cliff. Wait for me to seam good thorax, will see you. 可不可以等等